Our Hard Surface Restoration Services Successfully Revamped This Shower Floor in Apex
June 01, 2023
Damaged grout can make way for many problems, from mold infestations and other hygienic issues to cracks that may ultimately compromise a room's inner structure. This is all the more relevant on shower surfaces where cracked tiles and damaged grout often cause accidents among owners and guests. This Apex homeowner was well aware of the risks as parts of his shower floor started falling apart.
The shower was clean from top to bottom every week, but this did nothing to stop the underlying problems affecting the grout. Mold and soil stained all the grout lines and, as time went on, the tiles around the drain got loose, creating a huge risk for the homeowner and his family. No matter how much time the homeowner dedicated to maintenance, the shower floor looked neglected, and traditional cleaners couldn't do much to counter the damage to the grout.
A week after he found the first loose tiles on the floor, the homeowner contacted Sir Grout Raleigh to learn more about our hard surface restoration services in Apex. He browsed our website and called our specialists to learn more about our restoration methods. He scheduled an appointment with our crew that same day and welcomed them into their home later that week for an in-home evaluation.
Our techs took their time evaluating the shower floor to define the best approach for the grout and the tiles. Under layers of mold, they saw that parts of the grout surface were cracked or missing, leaving the tiles unsteady where they sat. The floor looked drab overall, with stains spreading from the center to all four edges of the shower surface. Our specialists concluded that the best course of action was to regrout the floor to strengthen the shower's structural integrity. They would also complete the necessary repairs to the tiles and clean the floor's surface until it was spotless. The client was happy to know that we could resolve all the structural problems and immediately scheduled a new appointment with our techs.
On the agreed-upon date, our specialists returned to the client's home for the restoration. They started by cleaning the shower floor with a powerful pH-neutral cleaner, painstakingly removing the old grout and scrubbing the residue until all traces of dirt, mold, and soap scum had been eliminated. When it comes to restoring the beauty of tile and other hard surfaces, our cleaner has no match; it combines multiple high-end ingredients to remove the dirt in minutes without subjecting the surface to harsh chemicals. As a result, the floor had regained most of its shine by the time our techs were ready to repair the grout.
Our techs steam cleaned the shower for good measure and then got started on the damaged grout and tiles. For this part of the process, they installed our resistant epoxy grout on the shower seams and on the parts of the floor where the old caulk had gone loose. This epoxy grout is the better way to get long-term protection because it provides more durability against water and other liquids, as well as the results of wear and tear.
The restoration was almost complete. At this point, our crew applied ColorSeal on the rest of the grout lines, enhancing their protection and improving their appearance at once. This acrylic-based sealant stops external elements and fluids from getting into the grout pores, reducing the number of stains accumulated on the grout over time. It's also available in multiple colors to create the most appealing effect. As such, the restored grout looked better than ever and there was no hint of damage left on the surface.
The client was ecstatic once our crew showed him the results. The floor looked beautiful and elegant. The visual effect created by the different shades of gray on the tiles was now the shower's main attraction. The transformation was even more impressive on the grout, with all the grout lines looking smooth and brand-new, with no signs of cracks or stains. The client praised our crew's work and promised to recommend our services to everyone he knew.
While getting ready to leave the house, our techs shared additional cleaning and maintenance pointers with the client. To preserve grout and tile surfaces over the years, they recommended avoiding chemical-based products. Instead, they introduced the clients to the wonders of pH-neural products like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner. Without discoloring the tiles or weakening the sealant's protection, our product provides maximum cleaning power, removing mold, mildew, soap scum, and other stains with little effort. It can do a thorough job on its own, so homeowners don't need to add harsh products and detergents into the mix, saving time and sidestepping potential risks to their health.
Our techs also recommended non-abrasive tools to scrub off the worst stains sticking to the corners and the sink. A clean towel, a terry cloth, or a squeegee is usually enough to get the dirt off once the neutral cleaner is left to sit on the surface for a few seconds. Lastly, our crew reminded the client about the problems caused by moisture buildup and instructed him to open the windows and doors a few hours a day to prevent the accumulation of dampness on bathroom surfaces.
Contact Sir Grout Raleigh and secure the best restoration services in Apex. We offer the best equipment and the most knowledgeable assistance to deal with any situation, from cracked grout to discolored tiles and other common shower maintenance issues. We'll be happy to give you more information, so feel free to call (919) 276-4403 or fill out our website's "Request a Quote" form if you have questions about our restoration method. You can also subscribe to our newsletter to learn more about our latest info and promotions. Schedule an appointment from the comfort of your home and transform your bathroom surfaces in the most amazing ways.
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Categories: Tile, Grout, Cleaning, Sealing, Regrouting, Grout Repair, ColorSeal, Residential, Floors, Showers