Our Raleigh Grout Sealing Service Made This Shower Look Flawless After a Full Restoration
December 22, 2021
There aren't many ways to salvage a bathroom's appearance after encountering a dirty shower. Even as this Raleigh homeowner tried to keep up with his shower's maintenance, it became progressively harder to get the stains off the walls, especially those covering the grout. Dampness had done a number on all the shower's surfaces, and, as a result, the shower joints looked neglected, and stains covered the whole length of the bathtub floor. Luckily, he trusted the expertise of the best Raleigh Grout Sealing specialists. Here's how it all went down.
After numerous attempts, the homeowner stopped trying to scrub off the dirt, fearing the friction would cause more damage to his tiles. He was apprehensive about the cracks on the horizontal joints and feared that any extra pressure could compromise that side of the wall. Knowing that seeking professional assistance was the safest option, the homeowner went online to find a company that matched his expectations in the Raleigh area. He came across Sir Grout Raleigh and marveled at the results shown in our website's picture gallery. That's what he wanted for his shower. He gave us a call to explain the situation and booked an appointment to have our specialists assess the shower.
Upon inspection, they saw that soil had spread all over the grout, covering most of it with a dingy black film. The shower joints were splintered, and pieces of caulk were on the bathtub's surface. Moreover, the bathtub's slip-resistant flooring was almost entirely covered in dirt, and it clashed very obviously with the rest of the tub's surface. Our specialists were thorough while evaluating the state of the shower before confirming to the client that there was no structural damage endangering the shower's layout. They explained that moisture buildup makes way for mold, fungi, and soil, which deteriorates surfaces much faster since homeowners need to put a toll on the tiles while trying to scrub off the dirt.

Most generic cleaners only make the problem worse because they have acidic properties that only add to the tiles' discoloration. Our techs explained the best course of action while addressing all the areas that needed our attention: we needed our professional equipment to fully remove all the soil from the shower surfaces, the joints needed regrouting, and we had to seal all the grout lines to avoid new stains. The client agreed with this approach and hired our grout sealing services.
Our crew came back on schedule to restore the client's shower. We began the process using a pH-neutral cleaner and a high-speed scrubber to remove the soap scum and soil that had stuck to the surfaces, both on the walls and the floor. Our cleaner has no acidic properties that could potentially damage the hard surfaces. Instead, it combines high-quality ingredients that loosen the soil and other external elements in just a few minutes. We then steam cleaned the shower to fully get rid of all the embedded dirt.

For the next step, we made repairs on the joints, circling the shower's space to remove old and loose caulk. Everything was ready to start sealing the grout, so we applied Sir Grout's Color Seal on the grout lines until we made our way through all the shower walls. Our acrylic-based sealant serves as the best protection to keep the grout immaculate for longer, as it wards off water, dirt, grime, and other external elements that could seep into the grout's pores. The client chose white for the shower grout, so the final look made the grout stand out while matching the tub's new shine. To complete the repairs on the shower joints, we installed our epoxy grout, enhancing the joint's protection to withstand gradual decay. We applied Tile Armor to reach the same effect on the tiles and called the client back into the room.
When he came back in, the shower exuded beauty and elegance, and the joints looked brand new after the restoration. The client was endlessly pleased by the result and promised to recommend our services to all his friends and family. He also asked for whatever tips we could give him, so we gave him some pointers to help his cleaning routine in the future. We recommended using pH-neutral cleaners like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner to work on his bathroom surfaces. Our product is safe for hard surfaces because it has no harsh ingredients that would cause discoloration after letting water, soap scum, and other liquids seep into your tiles. It is also safer for all members of the household since it leaves no chemical residues behind. Shower surfaces should be kept dry to prevent the growth of mold and mildew. For this, we recommended opening the windows a couple of hours a day to encourage proper air circulation and drying up the leftover dampness using a terry cloth, a towel, or a squeegee.
Don't lose hope if your bathroom surfaces have started showing signs of decay. The specialists at Sir Grout Raleigh know what to do to set things right, with the most advanced equipment and a cost-effective method that will surpass all your expectations. To schedule an in-home evaluation, don't hesitate to call (919) 276-4403 or fill out the"Request a Quote" form on our website. Also, remember to subscribe to our newsletter to keep up to date with our latest info and promotions.
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Categories: Tile, Grout, Cleaning, Sealing, Grout Repair, ColorSeal, Residential, Floors, Showers, Bathrooms